/* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 The University of Notre Dame This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file LICENSE for details. */ #include "kmalloc.h" #include "kernel/types.h" #include "kernel/error.h" #include "string.h" #include "page.h" #include "fs.h" #include "fs_internal.h" #include "cdromfs.h" #include "iso9660.h" #include "device.h" #include "bcache.h" static struct fs_dirent *cdrom_dirent_create(struct fs_volume *volume, int sector, int length, int isdir) { struct fs_dirent *d = kmalloc(sizeof(*d)); if(!d) return 0; d->volume = volume; d->refcount = 1; d->size = length; d->isdir = isdir; d->cdrom.sector = sector; return d; } static int cdrom_dirent_read_block(struct fs_dirent *d, char *buffer, uint32_t blocknum) { int nblocks = bcache_read(d->volume->device, buffer, 1, d->cdrom.sector + blocknum); if(nblocks == 1) { return CDROMFS_BLOCK_SIZE; } else { return -1; } } static void fix_filename(char *name, int length) { // Plain files typically end with a semicolon and version, remove it. if(length > 2 && name[length - 2] == ';') { length -= 2; } // Files without a suffix end with a dot, remove it. if(length > 1 && name[length - 1] == '.') { length--; } // In any case, null-terminate the string name[length] = 0; // And make it lowercase strtolower(name); } static struct fs_dirent *cdrom_dirent_lookup(struct fs_dirent *dir, const char *name) { if(!dir->isdir) return 0; char *temp = page_alloc(0); if(!temp) return 0; int nsectors = dir->size / CDROMFS_BLOCK_SIZE + (dir->size % CDROMFS_BLOCK_SIZE ? 1 : 0); int i; for(i=0;i<nsectors;i++) { cdrom_dirent_read_block(dir,temp,i); // XXX check result here! struct iso_9660_directory_entry *d = (struct iso_9660_directory_entry *) temp; while(d->descriptor_length > 0) { const char *dname; int dname_length; if(d->ident[0] == 0) { dname = "."; dname_length = 2; } else if(d->ident[0] == 1) { dname = ".."; dname_length = 3; } else { fix_filename(d->ident, d->ident_length); dname = d->ident; dname_length = strlen(dname) + 1; } if(!strncmp(name,dname,dname_length)) { struct fs_dirent *r; r = cdrom_dirent_create( dir->volume, d->first_sector_little, d->length_little, d->flags & ISO_9660_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRECTORY); page_free(temp); return r; } d = (struct iso_9660_directory_entry *) ((char *) d + d->descriptor_length); } } page_free(temp); return 0; } static int cdrom_dirent_close( struct fs_dirent *d ) { return 0; } static int cdrom_dirent_list(struct fs_dirent *dir, char *buffer, int buffer_length) { if(!dir->isdir) return KERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; char *temp = page_alloc(0); if(!temp) return KERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; int nsectors = dir->size / CDROMFS_BLOCK_SIZE + (dir->size % CDROMFS_BLOCK_SIZE ? 1 : 0); int total = 0; int i; for(i=0;i<nsectors;i++) { cdrom_dirent_read_block(dir,temp,i); struct iso_9660_directory_entry *d = (struct iso_9660_directory_entry *) temp; while(d->descriptor_length > 0 && buffer_length > 0) { const char *dname; int dname_length; if(d->ident[0] == 0) { dname = "."; dname_length = 2; } else if(d->ident[0] == 1) { dname = ".."; dname_length = 3; } else { fix_filename(d->ident, d->ident_length); dname = d->ident; dname_length = strlen(dname) + 1; } // If there is enough space, keep copying items. // If not, count them up to return the value. if (buffer_length > dname_length) { strcpy(buffer,dname); buffer += dname_length; buffer_length -= dname_length; } total += dname_length; d = (struct iso_9660_directory_entry *) ((char *) d + d->descriptor_length); } } page_free(temp); return total; } static struct fs_volume *cdrom_volume_create( struct device *device ) { struct fs_volume *v = kmalloc(sizeof(*v)); if(!v) return 0; memset(v, 0, sizeof(struct fs_volume)); v->device = device; v->refcount = 1; v->block_size = device_block_size(device); return v; } static int cdrom_volume_close(struct fs_volume *v) { return 0; } static struct fs_volume *cdrom_volume_open( struct device *device ) { struct fs_volume *v = cdrom_volume_create(device); struct iso_9660_volume_descriptor *d = page_alloc(0); if(!d) { kfree(v); return 0; } printf("cdromfs: scanning %s unit %d...\n",device_name(device),device_unit(device)); int j; for(j = 0; j < 16; j++) { printf("cdromfs: checking volume %d\n", j); bcache_read(device, (char*)d, 1, j + 16); // XXX check reuslt if(strncmp(d->magic, "CD001", 5)) continue; if(d->type == ISO_9660_VOLUME_TYPE_PRIMARY) { v->cdrom.root_sector = d->root.first_sector_little; v->cdrom.root_length = d->root.length_little; v->cdrom.total_sectors = d->nsectors_little; v->device = device; printf("cdromfs: mounted filesystem on %s-%d\n", device_name(v->device), device_unit(v->device)); page_free(d); return v; } else if(d->type == ISO_9660_VOLUME_TYPE_TERMINATOR) { break; } else { continue; } } page_free(d); cdrom_volume_close(v); printf("cdromfs: no filesystem found\n"); return 0; } static struct fs_dirent *cdrom_volume_root(struct fs_volume *v) { return cdrom_dirent_create(v,v->cdrom.root_sector,v->cdrom.root_length, 1); } const static struct fs_ops cdrom_ops = { .volume_open = cdrom_volume_open, .volume_close = cdrom_volume_close, .volume_root = cdrom_volume_root, .lookup = cdrom_dirent_lookup, .mkdir = 0, .mkfile = 0, .read_block = cdrom_dirent_read_block, .write_block = 0, .list = cdrom_dirent_list, .remove = 0, .resize = 0, .close = cdrom_dirent_close, }; static struct fs cdrom_fs = { "cdromfs", &cdrom_ops, 0 }; int cdrom_init() { fs_register(&cdrom_fs); return 0; }