#include "library/string.h" #include "library/syscalls.h" #include "kernel/types.h" #include "library/stdio.h" #include "library/stdlib.h" #include "kernel/ascii.h" #include "library/errno.h" #include "library/kernel_object_string.h" #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1024 void print_directory(char *d, int length) { while(length > 0) { printf("%s\n", d); int len = strlen(d) + 1; d += len; length -= len; } } void do_table() { printf("Object Table:\n"); char tag[16]; int i, max = syscall_object_max(); for(i=0;i<=max;i++) { int type = syscall_object_type(i); if(type>=0) { tag[0] = 0; syscall_object_get_tag(i,tag,sizeof(tag)); printf("%d: %s (%s)\n",i,kernel_object_string(type),tag); } } printf("\n"); } int do_command(char *line) { const char *pch = strtok(line, " "); if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "echo")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); if(pch) printf("%s\n", pch); } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "start")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); if(pch) { const char *argv[20]; argv[0] = pch; int i = 1; char *next; while((next = strtok(0, " "))) { argv[i++] = next; } int fd = syscall_open_file(KNO_STDDIR,argv[0],0,0); if(fd>=0) { int pid = syscall_process_fork(); if(pid != 0) { printf("started process %d\n", pid); } else { syscall_process_exec(fd, 2, argv); } } else { printf("couldn't find %s: %s\n",argv[0],strerror(fd)); } } else { printf("start: missing argument\n"); } } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "run")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); if(pch) { const char *argv[20]; argv[0] = pch; int i = 1; char *next; while((next = strtok(0, " "))) { argv[i++] = next; } int fd = syscall_open_file(KNO_STDDIR,argv[0],0,0); if(fd>=0) { int pid = syscall_process_run(fd, i, &argv[0]); if(pid > 0) { printf("started process %d\n", pid); syscall_process_yield(); struct process_info info; syscall_process_wait(&info, -1); printf("process %d exited with status %d\n", info.pid, info.exitcode); syscall_process_reap(info.pid); } else { printf("couldn't run %s: %s\n", argv[0],strerror(pid)); } syscall_object_close(fd); } else { printf("couldn't find %s: %s\n", argv[0],strerror(fd)); } } else { printf("run: requires argument\n"); } } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "reap")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); int pid; if(pch && str2int(pch, &pid)) { if(syscall_process_reap(pid)) { printf("reap failed!\n"); } else { printf("processed reaped!\n"); } } else printf("reap: expected process id number but got %s\n", pch); } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "kill")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); int pid; if(pch && str2int(pch, &pid)) { syscall_process_kill(pid); } else printf("kill: expected process id number but got %s\n", pch); } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "wait")) { pch = strtok(0, " "); if(pch) printf("%s: unexpected argument\n", pch); else { struct process_info info; if(syscall_process_wait(&info, 5000) > 0) { printf("process %d exited with status %d\n", info.pid, info.exitcode); } else { printf("wait: timeout\n"); } } } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "list")) { const char *arg = strtok(0," "); if(!arg) arg = "/"; char buffer[1024]; int fd = syscall_open_dir(KNO_STDDIR,arg,0); if(fd>=0) { int length = syscall_object_list(fd, buffer, 1024); syscall_object_close(fd); print_directory(buffer, length); } } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "enter")) { char *path = strtok(0, " "); if(!path) { printf("Incorrect arguments, usage: enter <path>\n"); return 1; } int fd = syscall_open_dir(KNO_STDDIR,path,0); if(fd>=0) { syscall_object_copy(fd,KNO_STDDIR); syscall_object_close(fd); printf("entered %s\n",path); } else { printf("couldn't enter %s: %s\n",path,strerror(fd)); } } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch,"table")) { do_table(); } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "help")) { printf("Commands:\necho <text>\nrun <path>\nmount <unit_no> <fs_type>\nlist\nstart <path>\nkill <pid>\nreap <pid>\nwait\ntable\nhelp\nexit\n"); } else if(pch && !strcmp(pch, "exit")) { exit(0); } else if(pch) { printf("%s: command not found\n", pch); } return 0; } int readline( char *line, int length ) { int i = 0; char c; while(1) { syscall_object_read(0, &c, 1, 0); if(c == ASCII_CR) { printf_putchar(c); flush(); line[i] = 0; return i; } else if(c == ASCII_BS) { if(i>0) { i--; printf_putchar(c); flush(); } } else { if(i<(length-1)) { line[i] = c; i++; printf_putchar(c); flush(); } } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; do_table(); while(1) { printf("shell> "); flush(); if(readline(line,sizeof(line))) { do_command(line); } } }