/* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 The University of Notre Dame This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file LICENSE for details. */ /* Simple window manager runs a list of programs and distributes events to each based on which one currently has the focus. */ #include "library/syscalls.h" #include "library/string.h" #include "library/stdio.h" #include "library/kernel_object_string.h" #include "library/nwindow.h" #include "library/errno.h" #define NWINDOWS 4 #define WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT 14 #define WINDOW_TITLE_ACTIVE_COLOR 100,100,255 #define WINDOW_TITLE_INACTIVE_COLOR 25,25,50 #define WINDOW_TITLE_TEXT_COLOR 255,255,255 #define WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR 200,200,200 #define WINDOW_BORDER 3 #define WINDOW_TEXT_PADDING 3 #define CLOSE_BOX_PADDING 3 #define CLOSE_BOX_SIZE (WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT-CLOSE_BOX_PADDING*2) #define CLOSE_BOX_COLOR 100,100,100 struct window { int w,h,x,y; int console_mode; const char * exec; const char * arg; int argc; int pid; int fds[6]; }; struct nwindow *nw = 0; struct window windows[NWINDOWS] = { { .x=0, .y=0, .console_mode=1, .exec = "bin/shell.exe", .arg=0, .argc = 2 }, { .x=0, .y=0, .console_mode=0, .exec = "bin/saver.exe", .arg=0, .argc = 2 }, { .x=0, .y=0, .console_mode=0, .exec = "bin/snake.exe", .arg=0, .argc = 2 }, { .x=0, .y=0, .console_mode=1, .exec = "bin/fractal.exe", .arg=0, .argc = 2 }, }; void draw_border( struct window *win, int isactive ) { int x=win->x; int y=win->y; int h=win->h; int w=win->w; // Title bar if(isactive) { nw_bgcolor(nw,WINDOW_TITLE_ACTIVE_COLOR); } else { nw_bgcolor(nw,WINDOW_TITLE_INACTIVE_COLOR); } nw_clear(nw,x,y,w,WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT); // Close box nw_fgcolor(nw,CLOSE_BOX_COLOR); nw_rect(nw,x+CLOSE_BOX_PADDING,y+CLOSE_BOX_PADDING,CLOSE_BOX_SIZE,CLOSE_BOX_SIZE); // Title text nw_fgcolor(nw,WINDOW_TITLE_TEXT_COLOR); nw_string(nw,x+CLOSE_BOX_SIZE+CLOSE_BOX_PADDING*2,y+WINDOW_TEXT_PADDING,win->exec); // Border box nw_fgcolor(nw,WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR); nw_line(nw,x,y,w,0); nw_line(nw,x,y+WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT-1,w,0); nw_line(nw,x,y,0,h); nw_line(nw,x+1,y,0,h); nw_line(nw,x,y+h,w,0); nw_line(nw,x+1,y+h,w,0); nw_line(nw,x+w,y,0,h); nw_line(nw,x+w+1,y,0,h); nw_bgcolor(nw,0,0,0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Obtain the default window from parent process. */ nw = nw_create_default(); nw_clear(nw,0, 0, nw_width(nw), nw_height(nw)); nw_flush(nw); /* Distribute window locations across screen. */ int i; for(i=0;i<NWINDOWS;i++) { struct window *w = &windows[i]; w->x = i%2 ? nw_width(nw)/2 : 0; w->y = i/2 ? nw_height(nw)/2 : 0; w->w = nw_width(nw)/2-2; w->h = nw_height(nw)/2-2; //printf("window %d %d %d %d %d %s\n",i,w->w,w->h,w->x,w->y,w->exec); } /* Open each window and connect the various pipes. */ for(i=0;i<NWINDOWS;i++) { struct window *w = &windows[i]; struct nwindow *child = nw_create_child(nw,w->x+WINDOW_BORDER, w->y+WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT, w->w-WINDOW_BORDER*2, w->h-WINDOW_BORDER-WINDOW_TITLE_HEIGHT); int window_fd = nw_fd(child); if(w->console_mode) { w->fds[0] = syscall_open_console(window_fd); w->fds[1] = w->fds[0]; w->fds[2] = w->fds[0]; w->fds[3] = window_fd; // doesn't need a window fd w->fds[4] = 4; w->fds[5] = 5; } else { w->fds[0] = -1; // doesn't need stdin/stdout w->fds[1] = -1; w->fds[2] = -1; w->fds[3] = window_fd; w->fds[4] = 4; w->fds[5] = 5; } draw_border(w,0); nw_bgcolor(child,0,0,0); nw_flush(nw); const char *args[3]; args[0] = w->exec; args[1] = w->arg; args[2] = 0; int pfd = syscall_open_file(KNO_STDDIR,w->exec,0,0); if(pfd>=0) { w->pid = syscall_process_wrun(pfd, w->argc, args, w->fds, 6); if(w->pid<0) { nw_string(child,10,10,"Unable to start process:"); nw_string(child,10,20,w->exec); nw_string(child,10,30,strerror(pfd)); nw_flush(child); /* keep going, let other processes run. */ } } else { nw_string(child,10,10,"Unable to access program:"); nw_string(child,10,20,w->exec); nw_string(child,10,30,strerror(pfd)); nw_flush(child); /* keep going, let other processes run. */ } } /* Finally, allow the user to switch between windows*/ int active = 0; /* Draw green window around active process */ draw_border(&windows[active],1); nw_flush(nw); /* Now wait for events to arrive at the manager. */ struct event e; while (nw_next_event(nw,&e)) { if(e.type==EVENT_CLOSE) break; if(e.type!=EVENT_KEY_DOWN) continue; char c = e.code; if (c == '\t') { /* If tab entered, go to the next process */ /* Draw white boundary around old window. */ draw_border(&windows[active],0); nw_flush(nw); active = (active + 1) % NWINDOWS; /* Draw green window around new window. */ draw_border(&windows[active],1); nw_flush(nw); } else if (c=='~') { /* If tilde entered, cancel the whole thing. */ break; } else { if(windows[active].console_mode) { // Post a single character to the console. syscall_object_write(windows[active].fds[KNO_STDIN],&c,1,KERNEL_IO_POST); } else { // Post a complete event to the window. syscall_object_write(windows[active].fds[KNO_STDWIN],&e,sizeof(e),KERNEL_IO_POST); } } } /* Reap all children processes */ for (i=0;i<NWINDOWS;i++) { syscall_process_reap(windows[i].pid); } /* XXX should kill child process here */ /* Clean up the window */ nw_clear(nw, 0, 0, nw_width(nw), nw_height(nw)); nw_flush(nw); return 0; }