/* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 The University of Notre Dame This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file LICENSE for details. */ #include "bcache.h" #include "list.h" #include "page.h" #include "kmalloc.h" #include "string.h" #include "kernel/error.h" struct bcache_entry { struct list_node node; struct device *device; int block; int dirty; char *data; }; static struct list cache = LIST_INIT; static struct bcache_stats stats = {0}; static int max_cache_size = 100; struct bcache_entry * bcache_entry_create( struct device *device, int block ) { struct bcache_entry *e = kmalloc(sizeof(*e)); if(!e) return 0; e->device = device; e->block = block; e->data = page_alloc(1); if(!e->data) { kfree(e); return 0; } return e; } void bcache_entry_delete( struct bcache_entry *e ) { if(e) { if(e->data) page_free(e->data); kfree(e); } } void bcache_entry_clean( struct bcache_entry *e ) { if(e->dirty) { device_write(e->device,e->data,1,e->block); // XXX How to deal with failure here? e->dirty = 0; stats.writebacks++; } } void bcache_trim() { struct bcache_entry *e; while(list_size(&cache)>max_cache_size) { e = (struct bcache_entry *) list_pop_tail(&cache); bcache_entry_clean(e); bcache_entry_delete(e); } } struct bcache_entry * bcache_find( struct device *device, int block ) { struct list_node *n; struct bcache_entry *e; for(n=cache.head;n;n=n->next) { e = (struct bcache_entry *)n; if(e->device==device && e->block==block) { return e; } } return 0; } struct bcache_entry * bcache_find_or_create( struct device *device, int block, int *was_a_hit ) { struct bcache_entry *e = bcache_find(device,block); if(e) { *was_a_hit = 1; } else { *was_a_hit = 0; e = bcache_entry_create(device,block); if(!e) return 0; list_push_head(&cache,&e->node); } bcache_trim(); return e; } int bcache_read_block( struct device *device, char *data, int block ) { int hit=0; int result; struct bcache_entry *e = bcache_find_or_create(device,block,&hit); if(!e) return KERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(hit) { stats.read_hits++; result = 1; } else { stats.read_misses++; result = device_read(device,e->data,1,block); } if(result>0) { memcpy(data,e->data,device_block_size(device)); } else { list_remove(&e->node); bcache_entry_delete(e); } return result; } int bcache_read( struct device *device, char *data, int blocks, int offset ) { int i,r; int count = 0; int bs = device_block_size(device); for(i=0;i<blocks;i++) { r = bcache_read_block(device,&data[i*bs],offset+i); if(r<1) break; count++; } if(count>0) { return count; } else { return r; } } int bcache_write_block( struct device *device, const char *data, int block ) { int hit; struct bcache_entry *e = bcache_find_or_create(device,block,&hit); if(!e) return KERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(hit) { stats.write_hits++; } else { stats.write_misses++; } memcpy(e->data,data,device_block_size(device)); e->dirty = 1; return 1; } int bcache_write( struct device *device, const char *data, int blocks, int offset ) { int i,r; int count = 0; int bs = device_block_size(device); for(i=0;i<blocks;i++) { r = bcache_write_block(device,&data[i*bs],offset+i); if(r<1) break; count++; } if(count>0) { return count; } else { return r; } } void bcache_flush_block( struct device *device, int block ) { struct bcache_entry *e; e = bcache_find(device,block); if(e) bcache_entry_clean(e); } void bcache_flush_device( struct device *device ) { struct list_node *n; struct bcache_entry *e; for(n=cache.head;n;n=n->next) { e = (struct bcache_entry *) n; if(e->device==device) { bcache_entry_clean(e); } } } void bcache_flush_all() { struct list_node *n; struct bcache_entry *e; for(n=cache.head;n;n=n->next) { e = (struct bcache_entry *) n; bcache_entry_clean(e); } } void bcache_get_stats( struct bcache_stats *s ) { memcpy(s,&stats,sizeof(*s)); }