/* SEJAM2: 1. Physical and computational agents 2. Netlog API und Patchworld 3. Agent groups 4. Resources (obstacles) */ function world() { this.modelSim=null; this.children=[]; this.act = { init: function () { var self=this; this.modelSim = simu.model(); this.children=net.create('agents-follower',10, function (o) { var x0=random(0,self.modelSim.world.patchgrid.cols-1), y0=random(0,self.modelSim.world.patchgrid.rows-1); net.setxy(x0,y0) }) this.children.push(net.create('agents-leader',1,function (o) { var x0=random(0,self.modelSim.world.patchgrid.cols-1), y0=random(0,self.modelSim.world.patchgrid.rows-1); net.setxy(x0,y0) })) }, wait: function () {}, end: function () {} } this.trans = { init:wait, } this.next=init } function follower() { this.group=null; this.children=[]; this.position=null; this.act = { init: function () { }, percept: function () { this.group = net.ask('agent',net.ask('parent')); if (this.group && this.group.length) this.group=this.group[0]; if (this.group) this.position=this.group.pos; }, wait: function () { sleep(5) }, end: function () {} } this.trans = { init:percept, percept:wait, wait:percept, } this.next=init } function leader() { this.children = [] this.steps = 0 this.act = { init: function () { log('waiting for twins...') net.turn(DIR.WEST) sleep(2) }, groupthem: function () { log('group') // Collect some follower agents in the world this.children = map(net.ask('agents-follower','*'), function (o) { if (Math.random()>0.5) return o.agent; else return none; }); log(this.children) net.group.add(me(),this.children,DIR.EAST) }, percept : function () { var obstacles = net.ask('resource-obstacle',4); log(4); log(simu.inspect(obstacles)) var sensors = [DIR.NORTH,DIR.SOUTH,DIR.WEST,DIR.EAST]; iter(sensors,function (sensor) { var next = net.ask('distance',sensor); log(sensor); log(simu.inspect(next)) }) var next = net.ask('resource',{dx:-2,dy:-2,w:5,h:5}); log('bbox'); log(simu.inspect(next)) }, move: function () { if (this.steps==3) { log('turning'); net.turn(DIR.NORTH); } else { log('moving'); net.forward(1); } this.steps++ }, wait: function () { sleep(5)}, end: function () {} } this.trans = { init:groupthem, groupthem:wait, wait:percept, percept:move, move:wait } this.next=init } model = { name:'Test Simulation', // Agents behaviour and visuals agents : { world : { behaviour:world, visual:{ shape:'circle', width:10, height:10, fill: { color:'green', opacity: 0.0 } } }, follower : { behaviour : follower, visual:{ shape:'circle', width:4, height:4, fill: { color:'blue', opacity: 0.0 } }, type:'physical' }, leader : { behaviour : leader, visual:{ shape:'circle', width:4, height:4, fill: { color:'white', opacity: 0.0 } }, type:'physical' }, }, parameter : { }, // Node constructor functions (visual) nodes: { world: function (x,y) { return { id:'world', x:x, // patch position y:y, visual : { shape:'icon', icon:'world', label:{ text:'World', fontSize:14 }, width:20, height:20, fill: { color:'black', opacity: 0.5 } }, } }, follower : function (x,y,id) { return { id:id, x:x, // patch position y:y, visual : { shape:'circle', width:10, height:10, line : { width:0, }, fill: { color:'orange', opacity: 0.5 } } } }, leader : function (x,y,id) { return { id:id, x:x, // patch position y:y, visual : { shape :'rect', width :10, height:10, fill: { color:'black', opacity: 0.5 }, line : { width:1, color:'black' }, } } }, }, resources : { block : function (x,y,w,h,id) { return { data : [], id : id, class : 'obstacle', visual: { shape:'rect', label:{ text:id, fontSize:5 }, x:x, y:y, width:w, height:h, line: { color: '#888', width: 0 }, fill : { color: '#888', opacity: 0.2, } } } } }, world : { init: { agents: { world: function(nodeId) { if (nodeId=='world') return {level:3,args:{verbose:1}}; } } }, // special nodes map : function (model) { return [ model.nodes.world(20,20), // patch position ] }, resources : function (model) { // patch grid coordinates!! return [ model.resources.block(10,15,2,3,'obstacle1'), model.resources.block(3,5,2,3,'obstacle2'), model.resources.block(7,10,2,3,'obstacle3'), model.resources.block(10,3,2,3,'obstacle4'), ] }, patchgrid : { rows : 20, cols : 20, width : 10, // geometrical width and height of patch in pixels height : 10, floating : true, // physical agents are tuples <logical node, physical agent> } } }